You are entering a different Plane

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Beware of what you read

2 years ago or more when I started this blog I was certain I will be able to post almost daily on it, but I see now that I just haven’t.

Another Plane, refers to one of the books I am writing about a young woman who finds herself whisked away from her front porch and into an unknown plane. But I didn’t begin this blog to publish entries about my books, not at first at least, I might start doing that now.

You will find here, little entries on day-to-day situation which you may have lived just like me, and I’d posted how to get away from those moments in life that become suddenly difficult and you find yourself thinking that you could not possible steer away from them, even if you wanted to. When in truth you can get away from practically any situation in your life, a break-up, a bad dream, a robbery, any sentimental circumstance that you might feel has no solution, it does.

I know this for a fact, because I have been in very difficult positions and still managed to hold my head high, keep on moving, since the other alternative is to let others get to you and then it’s just a straight descend into the ground without anything to hold you. You will fall, it will hurt.

                What to do, if you have indeed fallen and don’t seem to know how to go back up?

Find peace of mind, first of all, accept what has happened, you can either face it and move on, or deny it and keep up with the denials until there’s no way out.  Somehow, I don’t think people actually wants that, no one can possible want to be in that state of mind; how can a happy, carefree life can be less appealing than living in the shadows or under someone’s else shadow? I just don’t see that as a solution or a life style.

I’ll definitely try to post more now, I feel that I must, that even when this site is far from popular, still there’re some who stop by once or twice wishing to find some new material, which will help them with an everyday situation, something that allows them, allows you, to know that you’re not alone in the world and you can carry on living your life, regularly and happily.


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